sâmbătă, 30 martie 2019

Why Webmaster Tools Average Position is NOT The Same As Rankings.

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I see questions like this a lot: http://moz.com/community/q/webmaster-tools-vs-google-trends-data-doesn-t-add-up - people are wondering if Webmaster Tools Average Position Data is wrong or accurate. The issue is, you can not look at it the same way as rankings. In this video I explain the differences between webmaster tools average position and rankings. There's some actionable tips for how to use each metric. Things mentioned; Great post by Jason Acidre http://kaiserthesage.com/increase-search-traffic/ Google Webmaster Tools https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/ The Ultimate List Of Rank Trackers http://www.evolvingseo.com/2012/01/24/the-ultimate-list-of-rank-checkers/ Moz Ranker Tracker https://moz.com/researchtools/rank-tracker Authority Labs http://www.evolvingseo.com/authority-labs Wistia - Getting Loose On Camera http://wistia.com/learning/get-loose-for-the-camera And also, Google's Documentation on The Search Queries Report; https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/35252?hl=en