sâmbătă, 27 aprilie 2019

📌 Gearbest Expedited DHL FAST Delivery - It took just 4 Days to arrive at my Home in Australia

https://bit.ly/2vdEcqK Hidden offers at GearBest.
I thought I'd post a short video on my experience with Gearbest, using Expedited DHL Delivery to Australia. 🔴 Gearbest http://bit.ly/2Ea1JLh One thing I will recommend when dealing with Gearbest, is make sure your item is in stock, before placing your order. You will see a section showing you when the next postal dates are. EXAMPLE BELOW: Dispatch: Ships between Oct 14 - Oct 16 Expect a short delay, of a day or so. while your order being packed and processed. You will get confirmation in the way of a Photo on their site. Located in the "My Order" Section. P.S. I have used DHL Express several times before, and from different online sellers. DHL are VERY IMPRESSIVE indeed, 3 to 4 days for my parcels to arrive from China, to my doorstep in Australia. I have heard some people have had issues with deliveries from Gearbest, which by the way, can relate to any online seller anywhere in the world. If you are unsure who you are dealing with: ALWAYS USE PAYPAL, and get postal insurance on expensive items. ==================== MOST IMPORTANTLY...... If it looks like your parcel has been tampered with.... INSIST ON OPENING IT IN FRONT OF THE DELIVERY PERSON. This is undeniable proof. if indeed something is missing from your Order. Another thing I do, is always take a video of the unopened parcel from all sides, and open it in front of my camera. I hope this helps with your online purchases. P.S. My first purchase from Gearbest was back in Sep 22, 2014. 📌 Checkout other videos from Garry Purcells YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/garrypurcell