sâmbătă, 30 martie 2019

GSA Captcha Breaker with 9kw.eu (save 10% + 6k FREE CAPTCHAs!)

https://bit.ly/2A0dGnp Enter to see the secret sale page for Captcha Breaker.
GSA Captcha Breaker with 9kw.eu (save 10% + 6k FREE CAPTCHAs!) Short text instructions: GSA Captcha Breaker ► Options ► Select "Send captcha to the following service if solving failed" ► "Add" ► "9kw.eu" and use your 9kw.eu api key ► "OK". Website: http://www.9kw.eu API management for your api key: https://www.9kw.eu/userapi.html Offer: https://www.9kw.eu/software_captchabreaker.html Buy: https://secure.avangate.com/order/product.php?PRODS=4606886&QTY=1&AFFILIATE=79652